Meister Chiropractic S.C. is located in Deerfield, Wisconsin.
Dr. Meister was raised on a SW Wisconsin Dairy Farm and worked in the family Concrete Construction & Farm Equipment business, specializing in Agri-buildings for Dairy, Beef and Hogs as well as setting up & repairing manure and feed handling equipment. Dr. Mark started his practices in 1995 because he enjoys many outdoor activities such as hunting, fishing, golfing, UTVing or just sitting in the woods enjoying Mother Nature, the Packers, Badger football & hockey, Brewers and most any sporting events and knows the importance of chiropractic. Dr. Mark has been a member of the Deerfield Lion’s 2002, Deerfield Volunteer Fire Department 2008 and his greatest joy is spending time with his son Blake who will graduate from UW-Madison School of Engineering in May 2025 w/ both a Civil Engineering (Roads & Bridges) and Hydro-Mechanical Engineering Degrees!!

Our Philosophy
Dr. Meister received his first Chiropractic Adjustment at 10 days of age, and like his parents, believe you’re never too young or old for Chiropractic. Dr. Mark has seen 10 day old babies with colic or digestive issues, and currently the eldest is 96!!! When taking the Holistic approach to your Health Care, the healing process takes a little longer but the results last a lifetime. Dr. Mark will do everything possible even if this means a referral to a different medical discipline.

Our Team
Having a home-based office gives Dr. Mark the availability to give care 24/7. Although we do have regular hours, it’s not unusual to treat a patient for emergency care outside these hours. Dr. Mark works with Jason Bertram, a retired Military & Police officer, Certified Personal Trainer & Certified Blood Chemistry Analysis. Working with Jason helps patients with the proper exercise techniques, but more importantly, finding your cellular issues through blood work. This is key for proper nutrition to heal the affected area fast, plus we can determine any other issue(s) your blood work displays. We have a list of Physical Therapists & Massage Therapists that work well with Chiropractors.

Your health
The cheapest price you’ll pay for your HEALTH is what you pay TODAY!! The Holistic approach to your HealthCare is our main concern & GOAL. Doing the little things today to keep your body functioning as close to its optimum performance, will reap major benefits in your Golden Years!!! Dr. Marks’ parents are a great example, at 85 & 87 years young they walk 3 miles/day, eat the 80/20 diet (80% healthy & 20% reward), receive regular Chiropractic Adjustments & socialize daily. This is Dr. Marks’ GOAL for everyone in life, a healthy Mind, Body & Soul.
Set up a Wellness Plan Today for a better Tomorrow & beyond!!